Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Middle of Summer

Hi, I hate to say it but it felt like August early this am.. I'm happy that I can be running at 5:15 and almost miss the sunrise right in my eyes. It isn't in my face by the time I turn to go home.

This has been an uneventful Summer so far. We have been invited to Martha's Vineyard and I hope that works out. I'm a huge Susan Branch fan and have dreamed of visiting the Vineyard for years. (Our neighbors had a Summer place there when I was a kid ... imagine!).

There are two exciting books due out this Autumn. One by Kelly Rae Roberts. (see her blog ... The other by Ray Slater. Cloth Art Dolls. This book is about the British doll scene ... should be out in a little over a month.

hugs, annie